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Here at Defendapack we believe in providing a great range of quality products at great prices. We work very hard as a company to ensure that we combine our superb product range with fabulous levels of customer service — we nevertheless appreciate that until you have dealt with us, you will not know if this statement is true or just an easily typed attempt to secure your order.

Many companies attempt to provide genuine insight to their service levels by paying various review sites to promote their star ratings. However, the validity of these ‘star ratings’ has become massively devalued, as companies, often aided & abetted by the review sites themselves, are gaming the system with fake & manipulated ratings or reviews.

A quick Google of ‘fake reviews’ will highlight the problem of relying on Trustpilot and other review sites when making your buying decision. Amazon, amongst others, are increasingly coming under pressure to tackle the issue of fake positive reviews & being forced to purge numerous sellers’ reviews on their platform.

As an organisation Defendapack conducts a relatively small part of its business on eBay — which operates a feedback system for potential buyers to assess the merits of a potential supplier before making a purchase. Whilst the eBay ‘feedback system’ isn’t perfect, we feel it is by far the most robust system available to help inform on a new supplier. We therefore include access to our eBay feedback on this page.

As you will see below, we don’t always get it right — but in the vast majority of cases we do.

If you have been happy with our service, please leave a review at the Defendapack Trustpilot Page or on the Defendapack Google Reviews Page (or both, if you are feeling generous)

Please note: Our prices are always cheaper on this website than on Ebay.

defendapack (83918)
Positive Feedback: 99.9%

Detailed Seller Ratings

Criteria Rating Ratings Count
Item as described 4610
Communication 4534
Dispatch time 4588
Postage and packaging charges 4588

Seller Statistics

defendapack has been an eBay member since 25 June 2004 and has a total feedback score of 83,918 with an overall rating of 99.9% positive feedback.

defendapack received 502 positive feedback(s in the last 30 days.

defendapack received 3,026 positive feedback(s) in the last 6 months.

defendapack received 5,565 positive feedback(s) in the last 12 months.