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Pricing In Proportion Envelopes

PiP Envelopes - The Pricing in Proportion Envelopes below are all designed to be sent as small not large letters. Saving You Money on each posting. Scroll down to select the C5 PiP or C6 Board Backed envelopes required.

See Our Full Range Of Board Backed Envelopes Including A3 C3, A4 C4, A5 Plus C5 Plus

We also stock  All Board White Envelopes In Larger Sizes and our Range Of Record Mailers

These Pricing In Proportion Envelopes Qualify As Small Letters and attracts the reduced postal rates for that

Pricing In Proportion Envelopes (PiP Envelopes) / Royal Mail Large Letter Envelopes

C5 / A5 PiP Board Backed Envelopes (238mm x 163mm 9.37" x 6.42" appx)

C5 / A5 PiP Board Backed Envelopes (238mm x 163mm 9.37" x 6.42" appx)

Strong C5 Size Board Backed Envelopes for A5 Paper SizeDEFENDA C5 PiP Board Backed Envelopes - Altho..

C5 / A5 PiP Gummed Paper Envelopes - 238mm x 163mm (9.3" x 6.4")

C5 / A5 PiP Gummed Paper Envelopes - 238mm x 163mm (9.3" x 6.4")

C5 Plain White Gummed Envelopes  C5 / A5 Size - Plain White Envelopes 100gsm 238mm x 1..

C5 / A5 PiP Gummed Paper Envelopes With Stiffeners - 162mm x 238mm  (6.3" x 9.3")

C5 / A5 PiP Gummed Paper Envelopes With Stiffeners - 162mm x 238mm (6.3" x 9.3")

Quality C5 A5 Gummed Paper Envelope & Stiffener CombinationMAKE HUGE SAVINGS ON YOUR POSTAGEThis..

C5 / A5 White All Board Envelopes - 239mm x 164mm

C5 / A5 White All Board Envelopes - 239mm x 164mm

C5 / A5 All Board White Envelopes - Royal Mail Standard / Small Letter Size Under (PiP) Pricing..

PiP Boxes